Nutrition is the bedrock of every life processes and it should start from childhood down to adulthood "There is a saying that "Health is wealth" Good nutrition is the key to health and personal development, which is achieved along side lifestyle modification and living an active life. The food choice we make Influence's our health either for the good or bad and our daily food choice may either benefit our health or cause harm a little. Nutrition does three major thing which is: I. Growth II. Maintenance of the body processes III. Replacement of the worn out tissues. Your skin, which seems to have covered you from birth, is not the same skin that covered you eight years ago. It has been replaced entirely by new cells since then. The fat beneath your skin is not the same fat that was there a year ago. Your oldest red blood cell is only 120 days old, and the entire lining of your digestive tract is renewed every 3 days. So in order to maintain yourself, you must cont... is an online resource for individuals who want to live a healthier life and making right choice.